Press release: WORKERS UNITED announces endorsement of Kamala Harris for President of the United States

By Workers United



Harris nets another major labor union endorsement from WORKERS UNITED


Workers United represents more than 86,000 workers in the apparel, textile, industrial laundry, food service, manufacturing, warehouse distribution, and non-profit industries in the United States and Canada


PHILADELPHIA, PA – Workers United, a union of more than 86,000 workers in the U.S. and Canada, announced today that the union has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States.


The following statement was issued by Workers United International President Lynne Fox:


“Today, our union has proudly endorsed Kamala Harris for President of the United States. Vice President Harris has a strong track record of fighting for workers’ rights. She has played a leading role in an administration that has taken concrete steps to protect the ability of workers to organize and to improve the lives of millions of workers across all of the major industries in which our members work. We are excited to mobilize in support of her candidacy and we are collectively celebrating the opportunity our nation has to elect a leader like Vice President Harris who has been steadfast in her support of the issues we fight for everyday – economic opportunity, justice, equality, and dignity for all workers. Vice President Harris has played a pivotal part in the most pro-union administration in history, and we are enthusiastic to see that track record continue once she is elected President of the United States.”


Edgar Romney, Secretary-Treasurer of Workers United, released this statement, as well:


“From taking on wage theft as Attorney General of California to expanding labor protections for millions of workers as our Vice President, Kamala Harris has shown her commitment to advancing opportunity and fairness for working people. We look forward to helping elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States and to working with her administration to pass essential labor reforms that will help to ensure the rights of all working people to join unions and achieve a better life for themselves and their families.”


After undergoing an internal democratic process, the 86,000 members of Workers United are proud to announce their endorsement of Vice President Harris who will continue to champion key issues to uplift workers and to help workers improve their lives through organizing and collective bargaining. The union also extended its gratitude and deep appreciation for the countless pro-worker and pro-union measures and reforms led by President Biden.


“President Biden has been the most pro-union president in American history, and we are excited to support and work with Vice President Harris as she continues that incredible work for the benefit of our members and all working families,” added International President Fox. 


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Workers United is a progressive, dynamic American and Canadian labor union of more than 86,000 workers in the apparel, textile, commercial laundry, distribution, food service, hospitality, fitness, and non-profit industries. Our roots date back 120 years with predecessor unions like the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, The Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union, The Textile Workers Union of America, and mergers like ACTWU and UNITE.  Our union has always embraced innovation and organizing, creating a union-owned bank and insurance company, worker health centers, and worker and retiree housing. Now, Starbucks Workers United has served as one of the fastest growing organizing campaigns with 478 wins across 43 states and DC.

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