Western States Regional Joint Board
Our Voices at Work

The Western States region of Workers United-SEIU unites workers across California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico to win a voice at work and a better life for their families.
We represent clothing distribution centers, like TJ Maxx and light manufacturing companies. In early 2000, WSRJB entered the world of industrial laundry workers, such as Angelica Healthcare Services, Aramark Uniform Services and Mission Linen Supplies.
Bolstered by Workers United, Western States Regional Joint Board is a strong, aggressive and growing union driven by the strength of an informed and empowered membership. We stand by each other and tell each other the truth, even when it hurts, because we know that we are better for it. Workers United belongs to all its members and every one of us feels responsible for its success. We are a proven force for positive change in our workplaces, industries, and communities. We are part of a global progressive movement advancing the right of people everywhere to live and work with dignity.
"Meet Yolanda"
Yolanda is a member of the Western States Regional Joint Board. She has not allowed a language barrier to prevent her from becoming a leader. She was elected a Shop Steward three years ago and recently led a successful negotiation to almost double the wage increase the company had offered, going from $1.05 to $2.00 per hour.
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Press Release
In the truest form of trade union solidarity, Workers United and the Communications Workers of America (CWA), together with the organizing committee of Fruit Stand Workers United (FSWU) have agreed that CWA will provide support to FSWU’s union organizing efforts at Apple’s Grand Central Station store in New York City.
Press Release
Workers United, the union supporting Starbucks workers across the country as they organize, is announcing our intention to establish a Strike and Defense Fund with initial dedicated funding of $1 million for the Starbucks Workers United campaign.
Maria Rivera
Regional Manager
Jack Mahoney